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The Conservation Fund — works to preserve unique natural resources, cultural heritage, and historic places

Ducks Unlimited - wetlands and waterfowl conservation organization

Fox River Environmental Education Alliance (FREEA) - provides environmental education opportunities throughout the Fox Valley

Fox Wisconsin Heritage Parkway - organization that promotes natural, recreationaal, and historic resources within the Fox and Wisconsin river

Gathering Waters Conservancy — statewide umbrella organization for Wisconsin land trusts

Home Advisors Home Science: Backyard Conservation -Environmental conservation from your own backyard

Lake Michigan Shorelands Alliance - coalition of land trusts protecting Wisconsin's Lake Michigan Basin

Land Trust Alliance — national umbrella organization for land trusts

The Nature Conservancy — worldwide land trust organization

Niagara Escarpment Resource Network - network focusing on the unique geology and ecology of the escarpment

River Alliance of Wisconsin — statewide umbrella organization for Wisconsin river and watershed groups

Stone Silo Prairie Gardens -  native plant and garden store located in DePere Wisconsin

Trout Unlimited - national organization for conserving coldwater fisheries and their watersheds

The Trust for Public Land — national organization dedicated to conserving land

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service — federal conservation agency

Waters Edge Artists - an alliance of plein air artists dedicated to artistically recording historic, endangered or threatened places.

WildOnes - voice for promoting native plants and the sustainable landscape movement

Wisconsin DNR -  Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Wisconsin Wetlands Association - Wisconsin organization dedicated to preserving the state's wetland resources



Northeast Wisconsin Land Trust does not necessarily endorse or condone the activities of those organizations with the power and authority to lobby or otherwise engage in other political matters.


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