Puchyan Prairie
Location: Green Lake County
Area Protected: 50 Acres
Puchyan Prairie is a State Natural Area (#172) which features a mosaic of wetland communities including a large wet-mesic prairie, marsh, and sedge meadow in the floodplain of the Puchyan River. It includes a small wooded island in the wetland that contains large black and bur oaks. Toward the Puchyan River the vegetation grades into an extensive undisturbed shallow marsh and sedge meadow. The prairie is particularly diverse, there are 130 species recorded for the site, including the state's largest population of prairie parsley, a state-threatened plant and several characteristic fen species. NEWLT helped purchase the property and donated it to the WDNR for ownership and management. The WDNR plans to manage the site to protect and enhance existing habitat through prescribed burning, invasive species removal, and removal of woody species to maintain the sedge meadow and prairie/grassland habitat.
For more information please visit the DNR's Puchyan Prairie page here.